Friday, November 19, 2010

Year-end Concert 4B Dance: Big Time Rush

Hey! Boys and girls! Great job! All of you danced wonderfully!
I'm extremely proud of all of you! Thanks for your hard work!
Love, Mrs Tong

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Conquering Defeat!

You are given a reading passage: Conquering Defeat as your reading assignment this week.

Read for pleasure and complete the following:

1) Which band was Pat and John playing in?

2) From page 1, identify as many words as possible, that have the same meaning as 'great'.
(Hints: sp____, en_______, s________, f________, b________, m________, c_______)

3)Identify and highlight the following good phrases which show happiness:
a) broke loose with whoops and shrieks of joy
b) exchanged hugs of self-congratulations
c) went wild in their shouting and clapping
d) stirring beyond what words can describe

4)Identify and highlight (in a different colour, if possible) the following good phrases which show sadness:
a) utterly unable to hide its unhappiness and disappointment
b) wept on each other's shoulders
c) our hearts went out to them
d) shed a tear

5) What do you learn from the story: Conquering Defeat?

Post your answers for questions 1, 2 and 5.
File this reading passage in your red English Compo file.
Keep the file, with many model compo and lists of good phrases,for future use.

Have fun!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

4B's Big Time Rush!

Hey boys and girls!

I'm so excited about our coming dance performance during the Year-end school concert! Are you looking forward to it too?

We have been so busy after SA2 that we did not have many practices so far.
We must put our heads together to think of some new dance steps to replace the 'line-dance steps'.

I hope we can learn all the new steps well and do our best next week during all our practices and rehearsals on stage.

As for dance costume: we will be wearing jeans or pants (as we did during Rainbow Day 4) but we will need to change our T-shirts to more vibrant colours! Let's discuss this in class soon.

Listen to the music and revise the steps at home.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Term 4 is coming to an end soon!

Dear boys and girls of 4B,

Exams' over!
Thank you for studying so hard for SA2!
Well done everyone!
I'm glad to see that most of you have shown improvement in your results!
Keep up the good work!

As you relax and have lots of fun during the coming long school holidays, do plan time to revise your weak topics and to read a lot of books.

This coming Friday (12 Nov) is our school Adm Day and you do not need to come to school for lessons.

I'll be giving all of you a reading passage: Conquering Defeat for you to read for pleasure and to answer some questions about the story online.

There is a post-exams Math reasoning blog for you to try out during your free time.

Enjoy learning and learn to enjoy in an educational way.